When we plan to carry out the work and how long it will take
This is to let you know that, as part of the on-going maintenance and improvement of the highway network, Kent County Council will be working to improve the road surface of The Street, Cobham from the junction with Battle Street to outside the Meadow Room hall.
These road surface improvement works are programmed to start on the 26th June 2020 and should take 1 day to complete. These activities will be undertaken during a working window between the hours of 09:30-15:30hrs
This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible for us to carry it out at this time, we will arrange a new date and let you know via a letter drop to your home. We will also put up signs along the road, before we start, showing the date we plan to start work.
During these essential works it will be necessary to control the traffic using STOP/GO boards so that we can carry out the works safely for both the workforce and road users.
The timings of works and how the ‘working window’ may affect you
Where we have specified the works take place over more than a day, please be aware that it is not always possible to start on the first day advertised. These types of works are part of a continuous rolling works programme and heavily dependent on good weather and site conditions throughout and thus can be affected by delays on previous sites. By allowing for extra days we can ensure that unforeseen circumstances to our works can be accommodated and disruption to local residents is minimised as far as possible.
What we plan to do
We are going to use a product called ‘Micro-Asphalt’ to improve the road surface. Micro-Asphalt is quick to apply, which means less disruption to road users, residents, local businesses and the emergency services. It is a cost-effective way of prolonging the life expectancy of the road before any major repair works are required. It also benefits from having a low carbon footprint.
Micro-asphalt is applied cold, in fluid form directly onto the existing road, in two 8mm thick layers, that seal the surface to prevent water penetration, restore texture and improve skid resistance. The first layer is rolled in order to achieve a compact surface on which to lay the top layer. The top layer can be rolled depending on the site requirements, but this is not always the case as we want the stones to remain proud of the bitumen whilst it cures to give texture to the new surface; this influences skid resistance and durability. Generally, the embedment of the stone on the top surface is aided by the movement of vehicles, which are much lighter.
The finished surface will look quite coarse, uneven and rough immediately after laying, but will improve over time via normal traffic use, as the material beds in. The laying process may result in the fluid splashing slightly up the kerb face; this is normal and will weather with time.
Generally, within 14 days of completing the works the road markings will be reinstated and within eight weeks the ironworks (road drain covers, manhole covers etc.) will be adjusted to suit the new surface.
How you can help
As we will be putting a new surface over the entire road it is inevitable that residents and businesses near the works will experience some disruption, but we will try to keep these to a minimum. Any pavements will remain open at all times, but vehicle access to properties will need to be restricted for a short period while work is carried out in front of each property. If you have any particular access needs, please let the workforce on site know and they will do their best to help you.
We need your help to make sure the work is done as quickly as possible and to the best possible quality.
If your vehicle is usually parked on the carriageway, please make sure you park it somewhere else away from the site whilst the works are carried out, so the road is clear for us to resurface.
This is to let you know that, as part of the on-going maintenance and improvement of the highway network, Kent County Council will be working to improve the road surface of The Street, Cobham from the junction with Battle Street to outside the Meadow Room hall.
These road surface improvement works are programmed to start on the 26th June 2020 and should take 1 day to complete. These activities will be undertaken during a working window between the hours of 09:30-15:30hrs
This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible for us to carry it out at this time, we will arrange a new date and let you know via a letter drop to your home. We will also put up signs along the road, before we start, showing the date we plan to start work.
During these essential works it will be necessary to control the traffic using STOP/GO boards so that we can carry out the works safely for both the workforce and road users.
The timings of works and how the ‘working window’ may affect you
Where we have specified the works take place over more than a day, please be aware that it is not always possible to start on the first day advertised. These types of works are part of a continuous rolling works programme and heavily dependent on good weather and site conditions throughout and thus can be affected by delays on previous sites. By allowing for extra days we can ensure that unforeseen circumstances to our works can be accommodated and disruption to local residents is minimised as far as possible.
What we plan to do
We are going to use a product called ‘Micro-Asphalt’ to improve the road surface. Micro-Asphalt is quick to apply, which means less disruption to road users, residents, local businesses and the emergency services. It is a cost-effective way of prolonging the life expectancy of the road before any major repair works are required. It also benefits from having a low carbon footprint.
Micro-asphalt is applied cold, in fluid form directly onto the existing road, in two 8mm thick layers, that seal the surface to prevent water penetration, restore texture and improve skid resistance. The first layer is rolled in order to achieve a compact surface on which to lay the top layer. The top layer can be rolled depending on the site requirements, but this is not always the case as we want the stones to remain proud of the bitumen whilst it cures to give texture to the new surface; this influences skid resistance and durability. Generally, the embedment of the stone on the top surface is aided by the movement of vehicles, which are much lighter.
The finished surface will look quite coarse, uneven and rough immediately after laying, but will improve over time via normal traffic use, as the material beds in. The laying process may result in the fluid splashing slightly up the kerb face; this is normal and will weather with time.
Generally, within 14 days of completing the works the road markings will be reinstated and within eight weeks the ironworks (road drain covers, manhole covers etc.) will be adjusted to suit the new surface.
How you can help
As we will be putting a new surface over the entire road it is inevitable that residents and businesses near the works will experience some disruption, but we will try to keep these to a minimum. Any pavements will remain open at all times, but vehicle access to properties will need to be restricted for a short period while work is carried out in front of each property. If you have any particular access needs, please let the workforce on site know and they will do their best to help you.
We need your help to make sure the work is done as quickly as possible and to the best possible quality.
If your vehicle is usually parked on the carriageway, please make sure you park it somewhere else away from the site whilst the works are carried out, so the road is clear for us to resurface.