Sunday 19th September
11am - 5pm
Entry Ticket and Map: £5.00
Tickets from St Mary's Church Room
Situated on the corner of Manor Road and Sole Street
Tickets give acces to 20 Open Gardens in Cobham and Sole Street
Parking is available at Sole Street Station at £1.00 all day
Cash only event
Supporting St Mary Magdelene Church grant applications
for the restoration of the St Mary Church Rooms
11am - 5pm
Entry Ticket and Map: £5.00
Tickets from St Mary's Church Room
Situated on the corner of Manor Road and Sole Street
Tickets give acces to 20 Open Gardens in Cobham and Sole Street
Parking is available at Sole Street Station at £1.00 all day
Cash only event
Supporting St Mary Magdelene Church grant applications
for the restoration of the St Mary Church Rooms